Sunday, January 16, 2011

A Season of Blooming!

A few weeks ago I wrote some song lyrics because I felt I need to get what was going on in my life off my chest. It read

“I looked in the mirror today and didn’t see you,

Oh where did you go?”

Have you ever had the feeling that you are all alone and that somehow you were meant to be alone? Well I certainly have. I don’t like being in my room all alone just thinking about the what-ifs in my life. I focus on what is going on my life instead of just trusting God to control what happens or does not happen. I fell on my knees, cried out my Father in Heaven and gave Him all my past mistakes, and hurts. I read one of my favorite verses that I put on my mirror.

Matthew 6:34

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

You see I did see Him with me when I look in the mirror because He is in my heart. Also I am reminded every time I look in the mirror because I see the glory and blessings of what He is doing in my life.

At the end of my lyrics that I wrote that day it says

“It’s not about the what-ifs in life but what instead it’s about what is happening right now.

You never left me; I see you today”

God took away my ugly past, and He still loves me. He loves you too. He is whispering in your ear “Come back to me child of mine, Come back to me. I love you so much!” I pray that all who read this will be touched by the Holy Spirit. May God bless you and your season of blooming.


  1. Wow, it's like your just read my mind! I have had huge feelings of aloneness in the past months and have wondered if I'm just meant to be that way. Of course, I always knew that God was right there beside me but sometimes He seemed so distant. I've been doing better lately but this post was a great encouragement to me that I truly am not alone! And a good incentive to go do my bible study right now :)


  2. That's amazing. Your way with words is just, captivating. <3


Hey! I am Avonlea. I appreciate the comments so much. Thank you! I pray that you were blessed by this blog. :)