Dating! A hard topic to talk about. I must admit that I have a huge problem with dating. Girls and guys want to feel something more when they date. They want to feel beautiful, loved and cared for by the opposite sex. I have this so-called “dating to feel beautiful syndrome” and many other people in the world have it too. I thought that having a boyfriend would make me more attractive and wanted by guys. I was WRONG! Dating does nothing but puts a temporary band aid on an unsolved problem. You end up wishing that you can feel more beautiful to get other guys. While you are at it you hurt others and get hurt by others. It’s a vicious cycle that is never ending.
I have learned that you do not have to date to feel beautiful. God made you beautiful.
Genesis 1:27
“So God created man in his own image,
In the image of God he created him;
Male and female he created them.”
How do we know that we are beautiful? God created you in His image. Wow, I reread this verse. I am in awe that God so big would create me and then create me beautiful. What? Yes, it is true. Look around, we are beautiful. Do not let a guy or girl make you think otherwise.
Truth: God made you in His image.
Lie: Beauty depends on dating.
Truth: You are beautiful.
Lie: The world thinks dating determines your beauty and you shall follow the world.
Truth: Beauty is WHO you are for God created you.
By understanding the truth, you will be able to feel beautiful. No one is ugly. My Father in Heaven thinks we ALL are beautiful. Live by the truth not by the world.
Remember you are BEAUTIFUL!