Sunday, April 29, 2012

Evolution:From Monkey to Human

There are people when they hear the word "evolution" get scared or do not even want to talk about it. I do not believe that we were once monkeys and then suddenly evolved into humans because the reality of that happening is none-not happening. But I will say that God has shed some light on this issue for me in a whole new way. I pray that you enjoy the way that God has shown me. 

When I was in high school, I was the girl who always had a smile on her face but behind closed doors I wept over all the hurt and pain that was done to me. I repeated the same sin over and over again; I seemed trapped. Monkeys also live by this repetitive behavior. In my B.C (Before Christ) days, I would do the same actions over and over again. I never realized how affected the way I lived my life. For example, I would wear a necklace, a watch on my left hand, a bracelet, and a ring. If I did not do this then I thought God would not bless my day. I was once figuratively a monkey. 

Then something amazing happened in my life. 

I evolve into a God-fearing woman. I learned that sinning builds a wall between me and God; I did not want a wall. So I evolved and left the old monkey, childish ways behind. Although I still sin, I can finally say that I am human now. The old me has been washed away, a faded memory of the past. 

Apart of being human is learning and doing what I understand. I am learning to trust God on a daily basis. I am learning to believe with all my heart. I am learning to stop settling for second best and strive for an abundant life with Christ. 

"We spend our lives trying to pursue that which some call success. Or we try to follow endless religious traditions that lead us nowhere. We are continually filling ourselves yet we still feel empty because we forget: long ago a man died on a wooden cross, nails through His hands and feet, blood dripping on to the ground, in order to release us from the sheep mentality. Love held Him on that cross and cries out to us now. The choice is ours: we accept the truth or to deny Christ. His truth changes conformity to courage- fear to hope- apathy to love- death to life. Now is the time."

You can change to: from monkey to human, from following the world into the grace of His love. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Surrending with Success!

Lately my world has shattered
for everything that once mattered.

I fought the burdens and pain
with nothing to gain. 
You left me here
stranded and in fear.
You left my heart
and tore me apart.

But don't think I've given up
because I sure haven't. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I think I needed to see this week because I have been struggling to love those who have hurt me and in general just giving that love to people. I know that God has loved me and never stops loving. I am blessed to discover this truth.

1 John 3:16

"We know what love is because Jesus Christ gave his life for us. So we should give our lives for our brothers and sisters."

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Forgiving God; Lots of Love!

My life has never been normal, but indeed it has been very complicated. I have been hearing the phrases: “just continue to love” and “forgiveness is what you need to do”. 

I have loved and continue to do so.
I do forgive because I have been forgiven.

        So what do you do when someone does not respond to your love? How do you express to someone that you love them so much that you would die for them? How do give that person Jesus when they want the world? What do you say? How do you act? 

        Am I wrong? Do I not love this person enough? Or is this person measuring my love in eyes that I can never live up to?  

        This week I have been stripped of my pride and covered in Your grace. My once sweet life has been shaken and destroyed. I have been taking comfort in the fact that God is bigger than this. He loves and gives me forgiveness. 

John 3:16
 For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Fast!

The last forty days, I have been participating in a fast that my church has been doing. I fasted my past, Twitter, and Aim. At first, I thought that it was really hard. But the more I grew closer to God, the lighter of a burden it got. I will admit that there were times when I wanted to give up. I am so blessed that I did not though because I have learned so much.

I learned that I do not need to be dependent on my past to determine my future. I always had this notion in my mind that I had to keep looking back. I was so wrong, and I am so glad that I do not need my past.
I learned to trust in my Abba with all my heart, mind, and soul! This has made a huge difference in my life. I wake up in better moods because I know and trust that it is the Lord’s Day, not mine. 

So many times I fall and have to pick myself back up. However; now I know that God is holding me through all life storms. While on my fast, I discovered this wonderful song. Take a listen! 

(This is not my video. Credit goes to the respected owner of this video)

Deuteronomy 31:6
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”