Sunday, June 26, 2011

One Cool Kid!

I had always wondered while I was in high school why we divide people into two categories: the not-so-cool kids and the cool kids. It brings me back to a time of peer pressure. People especially adolescents are prone to do anything it takes to be well liked: a cool kid. I think the same thing was happening in the Bible, but instead this person stood against peer pressure and became a not cool kid. 

Her name was Queen Vashti, and you can find her story in Esther 1. You see back in the day, men loved to show off their prize possessions especially their woman. King Xerxes had a little too much to drink the night before and decided it would be a good idea to have his wife show off to the men at the banquet while wearing her royal crown. But instead of giving into the peer pressure that her husband imposed on her, she stood up against him with confidence and a loud NO! She became a cool kid for not giving into peer pressure that was filled in that room. 

Esther 1:12 “But when the attendants delivered the king’s command, Queen Vashti refused to come. Then the king became furious and burned with anger.”

This is my prayer last night in regards to this reading, and my prayer for you.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I pray that I will never give into peer pressure from my peers. I want to be the woman who stands out of the crowd being the difference. Lord, help me to find a man who will not command me, but love me in a respectable way. Thank you, Abba!
In Jesus Name,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Praise the Lord!

Psalm 113:3
"From the sunrise in the east to the sunset in the west,
      may the name of the Lord be praised."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

I love how my daddy puts in extra effort to be the #1 Daddy. He loves my family so much, and we love him. 

I often wonder how my daddy is able to go to work, be involved in all of his six kids lives, and have time for being in school full time. I think there are three main key points to how he pulls it off.

1. He loves God so much. 
1 John 4:9 " we love because He loved us first."

2. He has so much joy in his life. 
Psalm 33:1 "Sing joyfully to the LORD, you righteous;
   it is fitting for the upright to praise him."

3. He remembers that he can do all things through Christ.
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." 

My daddy is an awesome daddy. 

I love him so much! <3

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Faithful Child!

Faithfulness has been on my heart these past few weeks. As time goes on, I am able to see what God is doing, understand why He does it, and able to remain faithful to Him. Let’s back up for a moment before we get started on faithfulness. 

A year ago, I was swimming in the wrong direction for my life. I was a believer, but I had tried to rely on myself. It ended in a mess. I had lost friends, cried myself to sleep, and felt empty every waking moment. I needed to have that passion back when I first got saved. I did not know what to do.

In January, I started reading the Old Testament on a daily basis. Not thinking much about it; God remained faithful to the Israelites while they were wandering and roaming the desert. Then it hit me like a comet free falling through space: God is ALWAYS faithful. Every day I wake up, grab the Word, and pray that God would show me what He wanted to see. 

I was once like the wandering Israelite; I was foolish not to follow the foot prints that God had left for my life. I was sick. My soul needed Him. When I started reading the Old Testament, I did not understand why God still remained faithful to them after the Israelites clearly disobeyed Him. He loved them. He loves me. And He loves you. He will always goes before every situation in our lives, guiding the path to a true and intimate relationship with Him. 

On the other side to faithfulness, we need to remain faithful to Him. Children are a great example of how to be faithful and rely on those around them. Parents hold their baby, feed their baby, and change their baby’s diaper. The baby cannot physical do any of it on their own; they rely on their parents. As a child of God, we need to rely on God. The only way we can do this is by being faithful to God. When we look to God for every decision in our lives, practice His Word, and come to Him through prayer, then we are faithful. 

(This is not my child. He is one of my friend's newest addition to his family. He has the biggest blue eyes and sweetest smile. I love him!)

Dear Father,
I haven’t been faithful to you, and I am sorry. Forgive me for not going to You and relying on myself. I pray that You will help me stay faithful to You. Thank you Daddy for always staying faithful to me. You cover me with Your love; Thank you Jesus.
In Jesus Name,

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Do you believe in miracles? I know I do. The common misconception is that a miracle has to occur when a terrible event happens in our life. You are may be waiting for a better health, a lifestyle change, or just hoping to be noticed by someone special…a miracle occurs every day in your life. You might be thinking how could this be? 

God gives you another day to live. He opens your eyes up on a daily basis to change a life, live for Him, and be with the ones you love the most. 

Lamentations 3:22-24
  “Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
   for his compassions never fail.
 They are new every morning;
   great is your faithfulness.” 

On the Born Again album from Newsboys, I love a specific verse from their song, Miracle.
“There’s something that’s missing
If we can’t recognize that our own existence
Is the miracle before our eyes.”

 That to me is so powerful. We are alive. God woke us up this morning with hope, peace, and love waiting for us. Our day should be dedicated to Him. Praise Jesus!

Video Credit: Newsboys official music video-Miracle from Youtube