A couple of month ago, I was tagged by my friend Elizabeth She writes about the daily struggles, addiction, and other uplifting events that God shows her and does in her life. Elizabeth writes only inspirational stuff that gives glory to God. Check out her blog, The Journey Home !
The Rules:
1. Post the rules
2. Post 11 random things about yourself (optional):
3. Answer the questions the tagger posted for you in their post.
4. Create 11 new questions for the people you’ve tagged to answer.
5. Go to their blog and tell them that they’ve been tagged.
Now, for the random things:
1. I love to color! Coloring is a way of letting go of any emotions that I am feeling.
2. I learned how to make Macaroni and cheese last week because it is one of my favorite foods especially when pepperoni's are in it.
3. I love to make cards for people. I love encouraging people; I guess you could say it is my Spiritual gift.
4. I am insecure, but I am working with God dwelling on the truth that He created me with His perfect hands.
5. I do not like apple sauce, cantaloupe, watermelon, or chicken nuggets.
6. I love my family!
(My beautiful family- missing in this photo my Older brother and sister)
7. I am a friend, a daughter, a sister, and class mate, but most importantly I am God's daughter.
8. I love to ask questions!
9. My birth mark is located on the top of my head, and sometimes it gets a little embarrassing when I put my hair up.
10.I am in LOVE with Africa. I can not wait to go there one day.
(This is me sporting my LOVE Africa shirt that my little sister got me)
11. I have been doing the dishes for twelve years :)
The Questions:
- Do you like your Mac or PC? Why?
2. Do you like to listen to music when studying? If so, what kind?
Yes, all the time. It is a must especially when I write papers.
3. Do you play any instruments? If so, which ones?
Yes, I played the flute for eight years. I was in marching band all four years in high school.
4. Can you describe each of your siblings personality/character? (doesn’t have to be a long answer

My older brother is very smart. He knows a lot of things and always teaches me to strive for the best. My older sister is a fighter. She is so strong as she has been fighting cancer on and off for the last five or so years. My little sister is very musical. She can play lots of instruments as well as write music. My baby sister is smart, spunky, and just beautiful. She can sings so beautiful. And finally my baby brother is super smart. He likes to invent stuff. :) I love them all!
5. What do you like about myblog?
I love your blog because it always is what I need to hear. It gives me much joy to know that I can be apart of your life journey.
6. What’s your favorite color and why do you like it?
Yellow. The reason why I love is simple....it is because it is yellowy. I made up this word.
7. What book besides the Bible has changed you spiritually in some way?
I would have to say Redeeming love by Francine Rivers. It is an awesome story based on the book of the Bible Hosea. It reminds me a bit of myself as I struggle with what the world offers me. I do not always make the right choices, but it should me how faithful God really is and how much He loves me.
8. What books of the Bible do you tend to read from the most?
Song of Songs.....it is my favorite!
9. In what way have you grown the most spiritually in the past year?
I have learned slowly to be more dependent on God. I have also learned to let go of the things of the world. I do not need the garbage in my heart; it is just filth. God has shown me His faithfulness this year as well as I have been going through battle after battle, but God is still here for me. 10. Who is your favorite Bible character? Why?
Good question. I would say David right now. It changes often. But without David's book Psalm I would not be encouraged to live each to the fullest. He has shown me through his words that no matter what God loves and simply adores you.
11. What event/circumstance made your favorite Bible verse(s) “favorite”?
My favorite is Proverbs 3:5 "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Over the years, I have been afraid to let go of the hurt and the worst events in my life but God has shown that it is okay to trust in Him. So day by day I have been slowly letting go all my worries to Him, my Healer.
Okay, so I guess I need to come up with my questions now. Let’s see…
1. What's your favorite book that you read in high school?
2. Have you decided what to have for dinner tonight?
3. Do you like sneezing?
4. Have you ever made a "bucket list" for the rest of your life?
5. If you had an animal, what would it be?
6. How would you describe the perfect day?
7. What music group or artist would you like to see in concert?
8. How is knowing God changed your life?
9. Do you sleep with your cell phone?
10. What do you wanna do over the summer?
11. Are you a deep thinker? Why or why not?
I tag:
Alycia Crowley
Elizabeth :)
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Hey! I am Avonlea. I appreciate the comments so much. Thank you! I pray that you were blessed by this blog. :)