I am a senior in high school....
Four years have went by so incredibly fast. I am going to miss so much.
Such as...
counting the gum spots on the cement with my sister,eating lunch with my sister, being kicked out the choir room,going to comps and festivals with band, band in general, my favorite teacher Mr. Reddish(even though I never had him as a teacher), going to council meeting at lunch on Mondays, playing slip in your socks on the clean floor, and most importantly spending time with my sister for six hours a day or plus some.
Those are just some of the things that I am going to miss. "High school feels like the most important thing in the world when your in it." HSM3 And I believe this quote to be true. Between looking your best to trying to fit in with the popular crowd to making sure you become the superstar in a sport... No matter what it is high school does feels like the most important thing in the world.
I cant say that I didn't try to fit in cause I was guilty of it. I gotta say though it took me until my senior year to realize that it does not really matter your status at high school....So what does really matter in high school?
Everyone says that your friends that you make in high school will be there for you afterward ....reality of it is that its not true. Some of my closest friends bailed on me when I didn't go to prom. That did not make me give up on them. I am still here for them like they should for me.
High school is just the baby step into life...and as a senior in high school, I have to say that even though I didn't experience a lot I learned a lot more.
I learned how to be responsible and that your friends sometimes aren't always your friends.
Life happens.
I am so excited and scared for this new opportunity. I am going to be learning more about myself and others and of course life.
Somethings I might regret about high school.
I never went to my senior prom, Didn't help those in need, never reached out of my comfort zone and especially didn't get to bring my friends or others to Christ. I feel like a terrible person but I know that its not too late to start.
This I do know that I did in high school.. Joined Journalism(and had a blast), was apart of the American Cancer Society youth (to help my friend Jessica beat her battle of Leukemia) and is the 2008/2009 Vice President of the Blue Diamond Brigade Band Council and many more clubs and activities.
Yes, I am a band geek and I love it. High school was a challenge especially being picked on but I got through it. Besides I am musical gifted and no one else can take that away from me.
A lot of things changed over these four years and thats something that I did not want to happen. But it did and I am glad it did. I had a hard time pretending like it didn't bother me but I got over it. Changes are the seasons of life. I still cant say that I love the idea of changing but I can say thats I am getting better of this idea.
Even though I will miss high school, I am looking towards the future because I have a lot to accomplish.
High school is an amazing journey that prepares you for the future.
That's all ...for now
too amazing for words. :)