I have been through a lot these last few days but the one thing that gets me through is knowing that I have a Father that holds my hand through it all. I have realized that no matter what I go through Jesus went through it first. I know that Jesus has been through things worse than what I will ever encounter. That cheers me up knowing that Jesus can relate to me.
Yesterday I got all four of my wisdom teeth out. I am so blessed to have an oppornity like this. Not only was I blessed to have the fincial needs but to be put to sleep throught the whole thing. You see even though it hurts I think of it as blessed time. I know God was holding my hand the whole time. For the first time I wasn't scared of the unknown.
Lets go back to Christmas this year. I was very sad even though a lot of people didn't know. I am sad because I don't have grandparents. All of my friends or atleast most of them talked about how their grandparents came over. I just wish for that. You see it has been ten years since my two grandfathers died. I miss them so much! I get sad inside. But then I remember that I should be happy for the family that I have now. I have the best family who care and love me for who I am. God blessed me with an amazing family.
No matter what you are going through God is holding your hand through it. Keep your chin up Because you are beautiful.
1 John 3:16
"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."
I really love this blog. I really miss the granddads too, but I thank God for the stories that mom and dad tell me. I love that Bible verse too!