Sunday, February 13, 2011

An Ounce of Confidence!

As I whipped the clear glossy white nail polish, my heart started to break. Have you ever felt that you need a disguise? Or do you wear a mask to hide the real you? Have you looked into the mirror and promised yourself that you wouldn’t be that person again but somehow you are? You put loads of make-up and nail polish on your fingers? You just want to be pretty…like everyone else. You see women flaunting their bodies and you happen to think “I wish that was me.” The way they look, all glossed up from the photo shot pictures. Why can’t that be you? So you go to extreme measures to make sure you look “your absolute best”, yet you think it is still not good enough.

I have been there, and I am still there. I think that a fresh coat of nail polish solves my problems, and that a pair of skinny jeans will help me look smaller than what I really am. I lack confidence. I am going to try to be more confident in myself because I know that God created me to be beautiful. He created me to have inner beauty that shows through my outside. I am His daughter, and to me that is just simply beautiful. From this day on forward, I am going to be more confident.

I will be confident and secure about who I am.

I will be confident that God is here for me.

I will be confident to look in the mirror.

Take off the mask and walk into the light of truth. God will be holding your hand through it all.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I am sorry for cling to the things of the world to make me feel pretty. You created me so beautiful and now I will be confident. Thank you for holding my hand through it all.

In Jesus Name,



  1. I love this blog so much. I can totally relate.
    You are beautiful both inside and out and I see the Holy Spirit dwelling within you. Don't settle for anything less..when you are feeling down in the dumps, Jesus' Arms are wide open for you.

    I love you dearly! <3

  2. I can definitely relate to this post as being confident and beautiful are major struggles for me. I have not left the house without my face covered in make up in the last 2 years. I constantly worry about my hair, figure, height, and clothes as well. Confidence in who you are is a constant battle for me and probably for most girls.

    Realizing this and turning to God is definitely the right step though! Always remember that God can only make beauty and He made you so that means that you have every right to be confident in who you are beautiful.


Hey! I am Avonlea. I appreciate the comments so much. Thank you! I pray that you were blessed by this blog. :)