Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Faithful Child!

Faithfulness has been on my heart these past few weeks. As time goes on, I am able to see what God is doing, understand why He does it, and able to remain faithful to Him. Let’s back up for a moment before we get started on faithfulness. 

A year ago, I was swimming in the wrong direction for my life. I was a believer, but I had tried to rely on myself. It ended in a mess. I had lost friends, cried myself to sleep, and felt empty every waking moment. I needed to have that passion back when I first got saved. I did not know what to do.

In January, I started reading the Old Testament on a daily basis. Not thinking much about it; God remained faithful to the Israelites while they were wandering and roaming the desert. Then it hit me like a comet free falling through space: God is ALWAYS faithful. Every day I wake up, grab the Word, and pray that God would show me what He wanted to see. 

I was once like the wandering Israelite; I was foolish not to follow the foot prints that God had left for my life. I was sick. My soul needed Him. When I started reading the Old Testament, I did not understand why God still remained faithful to them after the Israelites clearly disobeyed Him. He loved them. He loves me. And He loves you. He will always goes before every situation in our lives, guiding the path to a true and intimate relationship with Him. 

On the other side to faithfulness, we need to remain faithful to Him. Children are a great example of how to be faithful and rely on those around them. Parents hold their baby, feed their baby, and change their baby’s diaper. The baby cannot physical do any of it on their own; they rely on their parents. As a child of God, we need to rely on God. The only way we can do this is by being faithful to God. When we look to God for every decision in our lives, practice His Word, and come to Him through prayer, then we are faithful. 

(This is not my child. He is one of my friend's newest addition to his family. He has the biggest blue eyes and sweetest smile. I love him!)

Dear Father,
I haven’t been faithful to you, and I am sorry. Forgive me for not going to You and relying on myself. I pray that You will help me stay faithful to You. Thank you Daddy for always staying faithful to me. You cover me with Your love; Thank you Jesus.
In Jesus Name,


  1. How beautiful! I love your genuine heart for God and I am so happy to hear about your faithfulness<3 I love you Ave and I also wanted to thank you for your faithfulness. Through thick and thin I am so blessed that you still love me. <3

  2. beautiful and sincere post :) Love the sunflowers in your background!


Hey! I am Avonlea. I appreciate the comments so much. Thank you! I pray that you were blessed by this blog. :)