Sunday, January 29, 2012

Now Entering!

This morning I had the honor to volunteer my time in the Children's ministry for one service and then go to church for the next service. As I was gasping for air, the aroma of worship to my sweet Savior was ringing in the air. It was so beautiful to see the hands go up in complete surrender. The air was just right, the seating was perfect but my heart was in a huge battle with my mind.

You see it started earlier that morning as I attempted more than once to roll out of bed. I hit the snooze button for another thirty minutes. Although I could not fall back to sleep after a terrifying nightmare, I knew that God would be in control today. I texted my sister who was all ready for church complaining to her that I was so sleepy. Even when we got to church, my tongue kept saying the words over and over again. 

But then something so amazing happened, I woke up. I prayed that God would help me with my heart and head battle and that through all things He would get the glory. 

So there I was sitting in third service anxious to hear what the guest pastor would speak about. He taught on freedom from your past, and my heart broke into two. I was so moved and felt that I really needed to hear that.

God always ropes us to the door of Hope. 
It's up to us to choose to enter or slam the door!

It really changed my attitude when I was thinking about this door of Hope. God gives us this door of Hope through every situation. This morning I could of woken up willing to go through the door of Hope rather than slamming it shut for some extra sleep. I could of seen that as a gift to go encourage my family and brighten someones day through a simple text message but instead I sat in my self pity. 

Life may be full of obstacle-big or small- but no matter what the 
other side of the door of Hope is calling your name.
He is reaching out His hand. Just let go of the past and run into the future with Jesus, our Savior. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Tear or Two!

I have always tried to be the girl behind the smile. I have always been happy with my life. But when the times get hard, my smile turns to a frown. 

I have a confession…

Since November, I have been severely depressed. I was embarrassed and ashamed because I thought that God’s children don’t get depressed. I thought to myself “how could this happen to me?” I am supposed to be the happy one. I cried myself to sleep practically every night waiting for God to rescue me from this deep pit of depression. I read devotional on how to get rid of depression but it made me more depressed because I thought that I somehow failed in God’s eyes. 

The dark cloud hovered over my entire life. I stopped texting my friends, did not want to go outside my home, and stopped taking care of myself. I felt trapped in a box marked in big letters: failure. It literally changed who I was, and everything seemed pointless. 

I thought that I would never escape from this dark season in my life. I am very proud to announce that my life is making a 360. Although every day is a struggle to get out of bed, I know that God puts the joy in me. At the beginning of this month, I made a goal to try to be joyful and positive every day. It has been approving the way I see the world. I wake up thanking God and go to sleep ready for the next day. 

I want all my readers to know that if you are depressed to reach out your hand to God. He will help you out of the dark pit and put His wonderful light on you. 

Psalm 40:1-3
“I waited patiently for the LORD; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He out a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and out their trust in the LORD.”

Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Two Minute Rule!

For CHRISTmas, I got a Justin Bieber singing toothbrush. When pressing one of the buttons, it sings one of his top hits for two minutes. I love brushing my teeth because I can listen to good music and accomplish the clean teeth at the same time. However; the other day I decided not to listen to the song, I was in deep thought. 

"How can people easily spend two minutes brushing 
our teeth, but we cannot find the time for God?" I wondered.

Humans spend on average two minutes brushing their teeth each time meaning that they spend a total of six minutes a day with a toothbrush in their mouth. 

I want every day to intensely spend time with my sweet Savior. Start slowly with the two minute rule if you have not been spending time with Christ. Then everyday double the amount of time until you have made a commitment of spending time with God. Give Him the time that He deserves from you.I am not saying stop brushing your teeth but make sure to spend time with God every day.

Beloved, He longs for you to spend time with Him! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The New Coming In!

Dear readers,

I need to inform you that my busy schedule has pushed me away from working on my blog this week. I am going to try my hardest to get it done by next sunday. I have started school again and am busy. I am deeply sorry. Please stay continued for more updates.

I love you all,

P.S. It is official. I am now a volunteer in the 1 year old room for my church. And I love it!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Howdy 2012! Good-bye 2011!

As I sit on my bed with my netbook on my laptop, I remember the good and the bad of 2011. I remember in February of 2011 saying good-bye (not forever) to my older sister as she went to serve our Country. I remember praising God for her safe return home and heroism that she displayed. I remember spring semester in 2011; it was tough and I thought that it would never end. I remember my younger sister’s graduation and how proud I was and still am to see her in your graduation robe walking on the stage to receive the ticket to the next step in life. I remember my seven day challenge during spring break, and I knew from then on that our Father in Heaven is faithful. I remember going to my favorite band’s concert with my cousins and siblings. I remember the heart breaks as I was lead away from old friends, but God restored me with the gift of new friends. I remember seeing my baby sister playing a tiger in Seussical the musical and how proud I was to see her love for the stage develop. I remember in September where I celebrated my 21st birthday; another day of a blessed life. However; I also remember in the same month the struggles from the doctors that still are going on today. I remember the Diabetes Walk, Harvest Festival, and all the other volunteer work that did this year. But most of all, I remember Your faithfulness, Your love, and Your peace that covered me. 

Out of all the lessons that were taught this year, I learned a very amazing one: God’s beautiful faithfulness. I learned that through the storm, He is still here. I learned that no matter what happens today, God will guide you through it. I learned that no matter how far you run or try to hide, He is still holding your hand. 

I have been blessed by so many wonderful things and extremely thankful for from the year 2011: my new blogging buddy Elizabeth, my family, my school, my old and new friends, my bed and blankets, my house, my chores (just don’t tell my parents. Haha), the Bible as I completed my goal of reading the Old Testament this 2011 year, my new brother-in-law, my experiences, the trails and pains, the medical staff, my room, the sunrises and sunsets, and everything that God has done in my life. 

I cannot wait to see, taste, feel, and experience what’s in store for me in 2012. I pray that you are encouraged to continue seeking God. He is our Abba!