Thursday, December 31, 2009
In this storm, God is my umbrella.
Yesterday I got all four of my wisdom teeth out. I am so blessed to have an oppornity like this. Not only was I blessed to have the fincial needs but to be put to sleep throught the whole thing. You see even though it hurts I think of it as blessed time. I know God was holding my hand the whole time. For the first time I wasn't scared of the unknown.
Lets go back to Christmas this year. I was very sad even though a lot of people didn't know. I am sad because I don't have grandparents. All of my friends or atleast most of them talked about how their grandparents came over. I just wish for that. You see it has been ten years since my two grandfathers died. I miss them so much! I get sad inside. But then I remember that I should be happy for the family that I have now. I have the best family who care and love me for who I am. God blessed me with an amazing family.
No matter what you are going through God is holding your hand through it. Keep your chin up Because you are beautiful.
1 John 3:16
"This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers."
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Finding Myself.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Enough is Enough!
-enough with the hurt
-enough with the tears
-enough with being a slave to others
-enough with being spit on by peoples rude comments
-enough with it all
It’s not until I prayed to God and realized that something so deep in my life has been changed. I prayed that God would just get rid of all of these "enough is enough" days and put in a life of the simple and peaceful. I woke up from this nightmare to realize I am living in a dream…. Wait what a dream? Yes, a dream to serve Christ in what may be the worst conditions of my life but it’s what I remember that makes it deep. Jesus endured the worst of worst conditions possible. He woke up to a world where He was the sacrifice. Where no matter what His "enough is enough" days were just simply too much but it was the sacrifice and purpose that made Him to persist on and not shatter. It was the love that He has for us. It is a dream to serve Christ in a nightmare (the world) but if you let others see the dream then their lives will be changed.
So bring it on!
-Thank you for the hurt because now I will be stronger.
- Thank you for the tears because now I have something to cry about.
-Thank you for making me feels like I am a slave to others because now I serve the kingdom with glory.
-Thank you for the spit from the world’s comments because now I know how to cope with it. My secret weapon love!
So when "enough is enough" to you just remember that Jesus took enough and some more but that didn’t stop Him. In fact until the day of His death on the cross He was serving by loving others and when He came back He loved those who denied Him. So don’t give up because you think "enough is enough." Be inspired by Jesus and live your dream.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
From Saul to Paul!
Paul became a new person. He went through some of the worst criticism and still followed Christ faithfully. He loved everyone he came in contact with. His dedicated passion and affection for Christ is outstanding. He is a man of God who was always ready for the battle. I honestly feel in love with Paul this past summer because he never gave up even when he went through the worst situations. I feel that this is a life lesson that I need to learn. When things get tough never give up and always trust in God. I have learned so much from Paul. I hope that one day I can find a man that has a heart and passion for Christ like Paul did.
So if you ever feel like the worst sinner of them all remember Paul’s story. He was made new and you can become new too. “God saved Paul so that the most broken, devastated, and sinful person would feel free to come running under his wing. All that person has to do is come.” A quote from He loves me!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Courageous Angel!

Courageous: Having or characterized by courage
A definition of a word I think people take for granted. It's more than just an should be your lifestyle.
My sister, Jayden, is a beautiful example of a courageous person. In fact I think she is more than that, she is a courageous angel.
Lets talk about how courageous she is. My sister has been battling Leukemia for quiet some time now and she still stays strong. The way she smiles when she comes home from getting poked at by the doctors is incredibly inspirational. She is courageous. The best way to say how courageous she is would be through her faith. Being courageous means to step out of your comfort zone and that is what she does. She loves on everyone without even thinking about it.
She is a beautiful angel for Christ sharing and loving others. Her testimony makes me cry because of how impaction it is. She is a light for Christ.
I can say that I am so blessed to have her as my sister and my bestest. She is beautiful, wonderful, and oh so amazing. There is nothing more to say than don't you want to be considered to be courageous angel? I know that I do.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Three Words!
because you wipe every tear off my face,
you listen to my problems late at night,
you wrap your arms around me
whenever I am scared.
I appreciate everything about you
the way you smile at me for no reason,
how you giggle at all my jokes (even if they aren't funny),
and when you stand up for me
when I am weak.
You don't care about
what others think about you,
or being popular,
or about how long it takes you to teach me something
because its time that you get to be with me.
Thank you for
spending every minute of everyday with me,
helping me with the little thing and the BIG things.
finding my true self
simply me.
But there is one thing left to do
its to say that
I love you!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
10 things that make me smile...
1) My Family
Whether it be my real related family, my church family or of course my friends they all make me smile. Each one of them are their own individual which brings more joy out of knowing them and building a relationship with them. My sister Keely always makes me smile. She is the first one that I can rely on for a smile. Another great family member is my daddy. He is always telling jokes or doing silly stuff like pushing carts into soda machines at the grocery store. So many outstanding followers of Christ make me smile too. My church family make me smile by being so inspired by God. Their love for God is extremely wonderful but love for others is more amazing. Hands down.My other friends are always there for me which puts a smile on my face. I am happy to have such caring friends.
2)Reading my Bible
Smiling to me is more than a physical reaction that happens on your face when you are happy inside. Its about inspiring others. I love reading my Bible because its the time that I get to grow and connect with Christ. Its also that time I get to spend with the one who created me. It inspires me to go and inspire others.
When I was a little girl I saw a huge field of sunflowers. I thought to myself that would the perfect flower for my wedding someday..I still think that actually. They remind me of my inner child. They are so tall and beautiful. Also dont forget to mention my favorite color...Yellow.
4)Serving others
Serving others isn't just a gift from above,its a lifestyle.A few years ago I realized my passion for caring/serving others when I was watching a show called China Blue. They showed clips of little girls who have to work in these clothing factories with very little food for 23 hours a day. It broke my heart to see eight year girls all the way up to age nineteen being tortured like that.I realized that they need help and even more that there are people in our community who need help.I hope that one day I can go to China to help out the girls.And even more so it would great to help in my community. How great would it be if I could tell them about Christ?
5)The Sun
It shines so bright. It reminds me that God is so powerful and mighty that He can create the sun. It amazing.
6)The Clouds
When you were a kid did you ever sit int the grass staring at the clouds trying to make shapes or people out of them. They are so odd. Just hanging in the sky but yet they let you bring out your imagination.
For the last eight years of my life I was apart of the band program at school. It means so much to me to sit on a stage and preform.Its more that attending rehearsal or getting frustrated cause you played the wrong note, its about connecting to the song to make it beautiful for others to listen to.
8)Helping out in the children center at church
I love kids. I love they way they try to figure out stuff on their own and even more seeing them grow up. A lot of the kids are fun to play with and others are too shy but whatever they are....they are all individuals. I love it when they are happy for learning a memory versus or seeing their parents. No matter what they are God gift of joy.
9)Taking pictures
Even though I am not good I still love taking pictures. More or less its about capturing the memories.
10)Singing in the shower and everywhere else
When I was younger I use to sing to the kids group at Crossroads Christain Church. I was amazed about the number of kids that went. I sang in front of at least 100 plus kids. Thats crazy considering how shy I am. But God has a purpose for me and at that time thats what it was. I am so thankful and blessed for it.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Its the little things...
I was watching TV with my mom today after being upset at some things earlier. We were watching VH1 Greatest music from the 90's Countdown and I couldn't help but to smile at some of the best memories that went along with the songs.
Between Brittney Spears to Will Smith's hit song and everything in between,memories were surrounding me. One specific memory happened on one of my birthdays in my childhood. I got a CD from Backstreet Boys and the following Christmas got a boom box. I danced in the living room for hours dreaming of being a back-up dancer for The Backstreet Boys.
Or how Hanson changed my life forever. I listened to their songs for hours and hours. I remember hearing it in a Limited Too store while picking out school clothes. I thought I was the coolest because I knew all the words to their songs.
Believe it or not Cher is one of my favorite women singers. I had the shingles when I was ten years old and had to be separated from my other siblings.I was in the family room trying to get to sleep when my dad came in wanting to taking care of me. He turned on Cher and I feel in love. I was so amazed by her voice.She made me feel so great inside. I can't even begin to explain.
Bye bye bye from 'N Sync was a huge hit. Days went by listening to that song over and over again. I sang it everywhere. But what really helped me a lot through the hard times as a child was This I promise you by 'N Sync. Something about that song helped me through a lot.
Just hearing songs from my childhood made me think a lot about what makes me happy. It was the fact that I was watching TV with my mom hearing my childhood memories replayed in my head. It turned my frown upside down.The little things can mean a lot. For me today was a walk down memory lane.
Never forget that its the little things that count.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
No shoes!!!!
I wrote this next article for the school newspaper and thought it should be blogged about. Its a story about a compassionate high school student who is very dedicated to his way of giving back.
I feel in love with this story and so here it is:
No Shoes!
Myspace has been known for having a bad reputation until the website got a second chance that changed the way you look at shoes.
Randy Atkinson and his friends, Howie, Bryce and Curtis, came across a Myspace group that called for a need. The group, “A Year Without Shoes” gives awareness of people that do not have any shoes. Randy Atkinson, including his friends, pledged to go barefoot everywhere they go. When curious people began to question the reason behind their bare footedness, he explained that it is for the awareness of the shoe-less children and adults, which led to collecting shoes from anyone who would like to donate.
Randy explains, “I am involved with it because my friends started it and because we really want to help people with making a difference.”
ABC 7 became involved with their story and made Randy Atkinson a ‘Cool Kid’. Their qualifications state that they have to be kids involved with an outreach program that makes their community better. They also get awarded with one thousand dollars from the ‘Cool Kids’ program that works with Channel 7.
Randy continues to go beyond the expected collecting shoes which will soon to be shipped to places all over the world. One of the drop-off spots is the South Hills Christian Church where you could donate your shoes. He also shares that, “I think the best part of the experience would be feeling what other people have to go through.”
Memories are being made to these children and adults by a compassionate kid making a difference.
Enjoy... =)
Monday, May 25, 2009
I am a senior in high school..
I am a senior in high school....
Four years have went by so incredibly fast. I am going to miss so much.
Such as...
counting the gum spots on the cement with my sister,eating lunch with my sister, being kicked out the choir room,going to comps and festivals with band, band in general, my favorite teacher Mr. Reddish(even though I never had him as a teacher), going to council meeting at lunch on Mondays, playing slip in your socks on the clean floor, and most importantly spending time with my sister for six hours a day or plus some.
Those are just some of the things that I am going to miss. "High school feels like the most important thing in the world when your in it." HSM3 And I believe this quote to be true. Between looking your best to trying to fit in with the popular crowd to making sure you become the superstar in a sport... No matter what it is high school does feels like the most important thing in the world.
I cant say that I didn't try to fit in cause I was guilty of it. I gotta say though it took me until my senior year to realize that it does not really matter your status at high school....So what does really matter in high school?
Everyone says that your friends that you make in high school will be there for you afterward ....reality of it is that its not true. Some of my closest friends bailed on me when I didn't go to prom. That did not make me give up on them. I am still here for them like they should for me.
High school is just the baby step into life...and as a senior in high school, I have to say that even though I didn't experience a lot I learned a lot more.
I learned how to be responsible and that your friends sometimes aren't always your friends.
Life happens.
I am so excited and scared for this new opportunity. I am going to be learning more about myself and others and of course life.
Somethings I might regret about high school.
I never went to my senior prom, Didn't help those in need, never reached out of my comfort zone and especially didn't get to bring my friends or others to Christ. I feel like a terrible person but I know that its not too late to start.
This I do know that I did in high school.. Joined Journalism(and had a blast), was apart of the American Cancer Society youth (to help my friend Jessica beat her battle of Leukemia) and is the 2008/2009 Vice President of the Blue Diamond Brigade Band Council and many more clubs and activities.
Yes, I am a band geek and I love it. High school was a challenge especially being picked on but I got through it. Besides I am musical gifted and no one else can take that away from me.
A lot of things changed over these four years and thats something that I did not want to happen. But it did and I am glad it did. I had a hard time pretending like it didn't bother me but I got over it. Changes are the seasons of life. I still cant say that I love the idea of changing but I can say thats I am getting better of this idea.
Even though I will miss high school, I am looking towards the future because I have a lot to accomplish.
High school is an amazing journey that prepares you for the future.
That's all ...for now
A whole
NEMA has been the lifeline between me and Keely. Its what connected us causing us to grow with each other. We have been there for each other since and I am so glad to be her big sister. I feel important and helpful.
I can not even begin to explain how amazing she is in my life because there are not enough words to explain.
Life has been very challenging this last year but I got through it with the help of God.
I wanted to thank my sister(twin) for always being there for me this last year. Also remember there are many more years to come.
That's all.