Sunday, January 9, 2011

Into The Light!

As I read the book of Ephesians this week my eyes began to see the truth. I will point out the verse that just spoke to me.

Ephesians 5: 8

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light”

Wow, my heart starting pounding as I read this verse. I thought to myself: am I living light for Christ or am I just living? That’s when it came to me I was just living. So what has been in my way from being able to live as a light? I am the only answer that I could come up with. Today I write to you to bring you joy. Listen closely when we start living as light we truly live. My heart has never been happier. Once you get rid of whatever it may be your life will be so joyful.

Three questions to ask.

1) Am I truly living as a light to this darkened world?

2) What is holding me back from living as a light?

3) How can I change in order to live as a light?

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray for those who read my blog. I pray that they will receive the hope and grace that you give us. Lord, use them as a light wherever they are. Nobody is too young or old so please help them. And I pray for strength and courage to get rid of whatever may be holding them back.

I love you Abba,



  1. That was an awesome, convicting post.

  2. I just found your blog and I really like inspiring and thought provoking. This post is a great reminder of how we should be living - for God! Thank you for sharing.



Hey! I am Avonlea. I appreciate the comments so much. Thank you! I pray that you were blessed by this blog. :)