Saturday, January 1, 2011

Thoughts From a Thirsty Heart!

As I scrambled through my journal to find a piece that I was working on I stumbled on a piece about 2010. The first part I wrote in January 2010 and the last part I wrote in December 2010. I pray that you enjoy my thoughts.

The year 2010 is about solutions not trying to better myself but instead it is about being me. It is about growing apart from my past and looking ahead into the future. First things first I am a sinner. But I am made clean through the blood and pain that Christ endured for me and you. I am not Holy-er than anyone else; I am definitely not perfect. That is why this year is not a better myself but about being myself. I am leaving the past behind. My solution is to stop judging, and the continuous hurt that I bring upon others.

2010 is almost over, but Gods promises are here to stay. I can honestly say that with Christ I overcame huge obstacles that life threw at me. It is (and always will be) by the Grace of God that I have been saved and made new. Thank you Jesus for a beautiful year, and all you have been giving me, I am truly blessed! I love you Father!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! You're right.. I know what you mean! I hit rock bottom January of last year.. it's painful to look back. It's really hard to remember all of that... the sickening sound of silence.. being all alone.. crying on a hard carpeted floor. But, most of all - God's promises are here to stay! I didn't find God.. God found me. We are made new. Christ... with Him? We can do all things. Keep up the fight!


Hey! I am Avonlea. I appreciate the comments so much. Thank you! I pray that you were blessed by this blog. :)